Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Guns N Roses - Appetite For Destruction

Today's selection shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. After all, Guns N Roses' Appetite For Destruction has been a staple on pretty much every "best of" list since its release in 1987. Aside from its claim to the title of "fastest-selling debut album in history", Appetite has held its own as an enduring top producer, selling more than 33 million copies worldwide, with more copies sold each day. Sure, historically-speaking, this album is a "no-brainer", if for no other reason than the impact that it had on popular music at the time; however, it is the continued relevance of the album that has landed it here today, more than 22 years after the fact. On average, I would say that I still listen to Appetite For Destruction at least once a week, and it hasn't lost an ounce of the energy or attitude that it had when I first listened to it, back in the days of cassette tape. This is the album that made me want to play guitar. Even today, when I listen to Slash's screaming guitar solos, I am in awe of the feel that he has as a player (and that's different from his technical prowess). You can actually hear Slash speaking through his playing: emotional, hungry and ready for a fight. Now combine those chops with Steven Adler's lazy drum style, Duff's bouncy punk rock bass lines, Axl's catch-a-tiger-by-its-tail vocals, and Izzy's blues-based songwriting structures, and you have a band that can't be beat by anyone but themselves. All of the songs here pushed the limits of what was being done and prepared the world for what was to come. Appetite For Destruction is rebellious rock at its raunchiest. From the first note of the first song, there's no mistaking where you are: You're in the jungle, and you're gonna die.

Highlights: "Welcome To The Jungle" and "Mr. Brownstone"

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